5 SEO Mistakes Whose Trap You Do Not Want to Fall Into

When businesses are just starting out or looking to grow, they turn to landline texting for instant communication with consumers, and to market the business they turn to the broadest platform that exists.

The internet.

This is quite a complex platform and one that requires a protocol in order for it to serve a purpose to business owner. Online marketing changes often and unless you’re knowledgeable about the science behind SEO (search engine optimization), it is almost a guarantee that you will make SEO mistakes.

We often encounter SEO optimization as a marketing strategy that improves the ranking of one’s website and as SEO procedures continue changing, it gets more complicated and somehow overwhelming, resulting in many marketers falling into the trap of committing SEO mistakes.

In this article, we will show you what type of SEO mistakes are commonly made by marketers without them even realizing it and what are the things that you should do to avoid falling in the same old trap all over again.

5 SEO Mistakes Whose Trap You Do Not Want to Fall Into

1.      Creating low quality content

Marketers tend to focus on the quantity of their website more than the quality and that’s where their mistake starts. In optimizing your website for SEO, it is important that you use relevant and rich keywords that will increase the value of your content. The last thing that you would want is to create a generic post that will leave your content unnoticeable.

In order for your website to rank, you need to work on keywords relevant to your content and understand which words your potential customers would prefer or commonly use in web searching. Also, remember that your goal is to produce high quality content that contains useful information that your competitors could not provide.

2.      Not using unique titles

Using title tags and comprehensive meta descriptions are essential elements of SEO that you should never skip. This means that using your target keywords does not just simply end with your content, it should also be included in your title tag. Doing this correctly will give your website a big chance to be ranked higher on the search engine result page. 

This could also be a time to be more creative and write titles that are almost classified as click-bait but does not sway too far from the content itself. Using unique titles will spark curiosity and will most likely result in a massive amount of traffic.

3.      Not investing in fast-loading website

One of the elements of SEO that some marketers usually take for granted is the speed of their landing page. They tend to keep on adding more contents, complete with image tags and other heavy elements that they neglect to check on the actual performance of their website. 

While constantly updating your website for good quality content is essential, page speed should also be equally prioritized as it is known to be one of Google’s oldest known ranking factors. Did you know that users can only tolerate a maximum of 6 seconds waiting for a page to load? Any second more than that and the tendency for them to immediately leave your page is at 100%. 

A good landing page should only take 1 to 3 seconds to load. If your website cannot comply with that as of the moment, make sure to invest in improving its speed right away or you will lose a huge amount of traffic. 

4.      Disregarding older content

Every day is an opportunity to write something new and fresh for your website but if you’re being practical and smart, you would rather make use of your older content. Ignoring old content is one of the SEO mistakes that many marketers commit. 

If you have been constantly posting content on your blog for more than 5 years now, imagine how many old contents you can dig up and actually use presently to maintain your SERP visibility.

So how can you use these old contents to your advantage? First, you’re getting results and generating traffic without having to spend more money. All you have to do is tweak some of the content, make some updates, or add more sections and it will come out fresh and new. Second, you get to maintain your Google ranking and refrain from being tagged as outdated, thus maintaining its relevance.

5.      Neglecting Google Search Console

Google Analytics is one of the commonly used platforms to monitor the traffic on a specific website. While this tool is undoubtedly beneficial, using another one would also be a good move to improve your SEO strategy.

By using Google Search Console’s Content Keywords, you will be shown the most commonly found keywords on your site. When you click on a certain keyword, further information will appear like the number of clicks on that keyword, how many times did it appear on SERP, and the semantic variations used. 

These information afford you the leverage to play with the keywords that Google Search Console reported to be more associated with your website, thus increasing the chances of your page to be ranked higher.

Is one of these common SEO mistakes familiar to you? If the answer is yes, you should definitely take the time to fix that mistake before it gets even worse. And while you’re at it, start planning on a new SEO strategy to improve your website ranking.

Using Landline Texting to Improve Your SEO

One of the most underestimated strategies when looking to improve Google rankings, is having the proper copy on your website and social media pages. When you have content that offers value on your online pages, Google recognizes it. It begins to push your website up in ranking and if you continue to create copy that offers natural language, well-written descriptions, blog articles with solutions, high-quality media, etc. you will become a trusted source in your industry.

You’ll want to offer your website visitors an immediate contact method like having a “click-to-text” button that will allow then to send your company an immediate inquiry. You can then use a landline texting platform to have your team ready to respond. Partnering with a trusted landline texting service like Text My Main Number will also provide you with the needed support to not only implement the new communication channel, but also to help you learn how to use landline texting in your ongoing marketing methods. Ready to get started with a business texting service? Give the Text My Main Number trial a test run and contact us with any questions you may have.

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