5 Reasons Why You Should Use a Business Texting Service

5 Reasons Why You Should Use a Business Texting Service

In a competitive business environment, every entrepreneur, small business owner and corporate CEO alike is looking for a way to get a leg up on the competition. One extremely effective way to do that is to incorporate a Business Texting Service into your marketing strategy. 

If you could speak directly to all of your customers (without Junk folders getting in the way) to generate leads and brand loyalty, you would jump at the opportunity, right? 

According to research, 75% of consumers say that they prefer to receive an offer via text message, as opposed to seeing advertisements on social media or while scrolling the internet. Additionally, about 80% of consumers have not received text message offers from their favorite businesses. Given those statistics, an SMS marketing strategy may be just what your business needs to beat out the competition!

Below are some more reasons why you should already be using a business texting service.

5 Reasons Why You Should Use a Business Texting Service

1. Direct Line of Communication

A business texting service is an additional tool to speak directly to the customers you are trying to reach.

Social media and e-mail marketing are two popular and effective marketing tools, but unfortunately, they don’t guarantee that you’re reaching every desired customer.

Let’s start with social media. Changing social media algorithms are the bane of every marketing strategy, especially for smaller businesses which may not have the resources to hire an expert. While social media continues to be an invaluable free tool to many businesses, there are many moving parts (follower count, engagement rates, content planning, etc.) to navigate in order to ensure that you are reaching as broad an audience as possible.

E-mail marketing can be equally challenging; even if engaged customers do sign up for your e-mail list, you have little control over where those e-mails land in their inbox. If your e-mail campaigns are landing in the Junk folders of your desired audience, your carefully planned copy might never be seen.

While a text messaging service won’t necessarily replace your other marketing tools, it’s an excellent addition as a more direct line of communication with current and future customers. According to research, about 98% of texts actually get opened, compared to just 20% of e-mails. With statistics like that, you can almost guarantee that everyone who you want to reach will see your engaging text copy.

2. Reach Everyone

Text message marketing allows you to reach all models of cellphones and an expanded demographic.

A business text service may be especially beneficial if your business targets an older demographic. No matter what model of cellphone your customer uses, they can receive and send text messages. Conversely, many older phones are not optimized for e-mail or social media, which will no doubt limit your reach to those people if those are your only marketing tools.

A text service can help you ensure that no customer gets left behind because of technology or lack thereof! 

3. Generate Leads

Turn all that direct communication into new leads.

There are multiple ways to use a text messaging service to generate leads. Much like you would do to encourage customers to sign up for your e-mail list, try offering incentives in the form of discounts! This can be especially effective to turn walk-ins into repeat customers.

For instance, encourage customers walking into your business to text your number for a “one-time discount.” They may have just wandered into your store, but everyone loves a good deal! Now that you have their contact info, you can keep them up-to-date and coming back for more.

According to research, text message marketing has engagement rates eight times higher than e-mail when used for coupon redemption. Consider using your e-mail campaigns for longer form marketing and use your text messaging list for quick tips, such as coupons and discounts!

4. Build Brand Loyalty

Use a text messaging service to create a loyalty program.

Okay, so you have a great product, friendly staff, and affordable prices, but so does your competition. How else can you make your business stand out?

A loyalty program is an excellent way to not only thank your customers for their repeat business, but also to reward them! Also, it’s far cheaper to keep existing customers than it is to find new ones, so make sure you’re making loyal customers feel valued. Find a secure way to track purchases, and then offer deals and exclusive promotions to members of your loyalty program.

In this case, using a text service can be an effective and modern way to track purchases and deliver benefits to your customers. For instance, every time they make a purchase in-store, they can enter their phone number and immediately track their benefits! While you may still choose to use a physical membership card, a business texting service can add an extra layer of convenience for you and your customer as a mode of double-authentication in the event they forget their card at home.

Ensuring that your customer’s experience is rewarding and convenient from start to finish is an excellent way to build brand loyalty!

5. Convenience

Text message marketing can be automated to fit both the needs of the business and consumer.

Once you have your campaign set up through your business texting service, you can automate the whole process, so all you have to do is sit back and watch the analytics. 

Additionally, you can tag different groups of consumers within the service to customize their texts and make sure that you are not over-saturating the customers who follow your business on multiple platforms. Not only does this help you turn your attention to other areas of your business, it will prevent you from looking super spammy to the customers who have decided to give you their valued attention. 

However, those same customers are also the ones most interested in your business, so a texting service will provide them the added level of convenience of knowing what offers and promotions are happening right away!  If you are ready to deploy the # 1 form of communication and marketing, then go with a trusted partner that won’t break the bank. Text My Main Number is offering a free trial of business texting services to all new customers and will help get you set up immediately. Contact us today!

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