Business Texting Services are Helping Families in Need

Even though texting between friends and family has been the norm for several years, Business Texting Services are still relatively new. Which comes as a surprise because if you’re searching online for business solutions or ways to improve communication…it should be one of the very first suggested platforms.

Why? Well, it is the most instant way to reach someone and when the speed for communicating with someone is set at instant, you’re winning.

Over the years, it has become one of the most important ways of sharing vital information, rivaling phone calls, and email. Also, it is no longer just reserved for chatting with people you know; 80 percent of people are now using texting to communicate with businesses to a broader extent.

Business texting service offer features that any business owner would be pleased to have. Some of them include: the ability to be more engaging, personalization, efficiency, and it is preferred by clients, over any other form of communication. Business texting injects all of these respectable qualities – and much more – into the heart of your company.

Benefits of business texting services

Selecting the best means of communicating with a consumer is important to the business because it demonstrates your efficiency. Nowadays, we are flooded with various messages from all forms of communication – including messaging apps, email, snail mail, telemarketing, social media, and more. The advantages of text messaging are difficult to ignore, and most companies are selecting this simple, yet effective way to reach out to families in need for the following reasons.

1. People read text messages

The average open rate for an email is around 15-22 percent, and emails are more likely to end up in the spam folder before anyone ever even views it. On the other hand, the open rates for text messaging are way above that of emails, at 98 percent and most are read within 15 minutes of getting them.

Over the past few years, the number of text messages sent has risen by 7,000 percent! Business texting is to 2020 what email was to 1999. It is the new way to instantaneously reach most people and rise above the noise of the other oversaturated marketing methods.

  • According to GSMA Intelligence, six billion people will send and receive text messages by 2025
  • Pew Research Center reveals that the most popular demographic for texting are teenagers, with teenagers in the U.S. sending and receiving an average of 67 text messages per day
  • Text messaging is the most used form of communication among people younger than 50 years old
  • Text messaging is three to eight times more preferred than face-to-face communication across all generations
  • 89 percent of people would like to text with businesses

With these numbers, the odds are in favor of texting, yet only 48 percent of businesses are currently equipped to communicate with prospects via text.

2. Text messages are immediate

Research by CTIA reveals that it takes about 90 minutes for an average person to reply to an email. On the other hand, it takes only 90 seconds for the average person to reply to a text message. If the information you are passing across is sensitive to time, then you want to ensure your audience receives the message. Statistics show that:

  • Text messages have an impressive open rate of 99%
  • According to Forbes, 95 percent of texts are read within three minutes
  • Sending and receiving a text is 10 times faster than making a voice call
  • A study by Velocity shows that 45 percent of business text messages receive a response, compared to 6 percent of emails

3. Text messages are personal

Studies indicate that 91 percent of people have their mobile device within reach all day long. Over two out of five of us have even slept with our phones right beside us! In addition to that, almost all mobile devices today are SMS-enabled, meaning that most people can receive and send text messages.

As stated earlier, texting was once used only for connecting with close friends and family members. Today, it is more of an open space, but recipients still have control over who can communicate with them. Strict text laws are the reason why mass text marketing needs to express written consent. But the good thing with that is that someone welcomes you into their inbox; it is seen just like the messages from close friends and family.

Companies can also take advantage of business texting services to send targeted material that provides added value and can help families in need.

  • 75 percent of people will not mind getting a text message
  • 64 percent of all consumers will probably have a positive perception of a company that promises texting as a service channel
  • 70 percent of consumers in the U.S. love getting messages from healthcare providers in the form of texts or emails
  • Prospects that receive text messages convert at a rate 40 percent higher than those who are not sent any text messages
  • 90 percent of people say they’d rather receive a text than a phone call from a business entity
  • Over 50 percent of consumers would rather text for customer support than call

4. Text messages can work without an internet connection

Are you finding it difficult picking up an internet signal? That shouldn’t be a problem. Text messaging does not need internet access; so, even if you are out of range, you can still send and receive a text.

5. Text messaging is download-free

Business texting does not need a smart mobile device, and there is no need to download anything, unlike other messaging apps.

6. Sending health reminders to family members

We all deserve to live healthy lives. There are various programs particularly designed for those with unique learning abilities. Such programs provide unique avenues for families that have disabled children to learn about healthy living. Texting can be effective in reminding all those participating about upcoming events.

7. Business texting helps you stand out from the competition

To be unique, you must do things differently. If you are just like everyone else, then there’s no reason for customers to patronize you! Business texting services help you stand out. You can deliver services that are different, have different marketing strategies, or add a unique touch to your brand. One easy way to stand out from your competitors is by using business texting to communicate differently.

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