Why Business Texting Matters More in a Post-Pandemic World

The Covid-19 pandemic has affected how the world does business more than anything since the Industrial Revolution. The shift in where people shop, how they receive products and services, and what types of marketing information and access they use makes business texting more effective and accessible than ever before. While the pandemic is not over, looking ahead to an eventual return to normalcy must include understanding of these changes.

Statistically, smartphone usage has skyrocketed in the past year due to business shutdowns, social distancing, and a shift in overall buying patterns. Although some company owners may yearn for return to pre-pandemic business operations, chances are that people will continue to turn to their phones for the bulk of their e-commerce and communication needs. If you want to stay competitive and survive this bumpy economy, business texting matters more than ever before. In fact, it may matter more than almost any other marketing communication method available to you.

Embrace a New Normal (That Isn’t Really That New)

People have been using their phones to shop online and text friends and family for over a decade now. They send messages to businesses, check order statuses, remit feedback, and follow favorite brands. The increasing focus on smart phones and texting specifically is nothing new. It has just sped up a lot due to the current pandemic situation.

Will people stop relying on business texting if the health measures in place end the pandemic? Although there is no way to see the future, you should ask yourself if people would have a reason to set down their phones and go back to landline or email communication. The answer is simply, “no.” The existing benefits for business texting will not go away.

People Want and Need a More Personal Connection

The shift to text-based marketing and communication has a lot to do is convenience. After all, you can get your SMS message into somebody’s pocket or purse in mere seconds, and they can respond with unbelievable ease. However, business texting also provides a much more personal focus than other marketing methods especially things like display advertising and direct mail.

The Covid-19 situation has greatly affected the ability to connect socially in any meaningful way with others. As a company who wants to engage a specific target audience effectively, you understand the importance of making meaningful connections. Of course, you are not trying to become someone’s friend or confidant. However, people do value more in-depth knowledge of and connection with the brands they do business with today.

When you choose a service like TextMyMainNumber.com’s landline texting option to your existing toll-free or local number, you get the opportunity to connect directly with consumers. Personalization, targeted messages, quick follow-up, and value increase the chance of making a lifelong brand fan.

Business Texting Tips for Improved Brand Relationships

With limited possibilities for brick-and-mortar locations and new regulations and shutdowns potentially affecting all types of businesses in the foreseeable future, marketing and communication methods like texting matter more. People all around the world are experiencing pandemic fatigue with its associated stress and frustration. While post-pandemic practices may shift back in some key ways, direct communication will always provide great benefits

1 – Keep It Personal

Address business texting to the individual. Not only can you use special codes to include their name or customer-focused information, you should also create different content for different segments of your subscribed audience. This minimizes annoying repetition and increases profitability by giving each person exactly what they want and need. It keeps costs down for everyone, too.

2 – Share Valuable Content

People do not want a bombardment of ads for your products and services. Give them value for free to improve your brand relationship. A nail salon that shares tips on cuticle care will be seen as an expert in that niche. A website design firm that empowers their followers to maintain site security on their own will create a bond of trust that is difficult to break.

3 – Send Super-Fast SMS Help

A large part of improving brand relationships and increasing loyalty comes from the speed and efficacy of the customer service each person receives. Business texting operates with the same expectations people have for their own personal communication. If they send a text to their best friend, they expect a response very soon.

As a business, you need to understand that this speed is an essential part of engaging consumers today. That is what makes business texting such an amazing option for both sharing information and customer care.

4 – Remain Agile and “Read the Room”

Have you ever seen one of those comedy posts that shares a screenshot of repeated texts from an annoying friend? The person texts over and over again without any response or positive feedback. This is a major social faux pas for communication today, and it is just as egregious for companies to act like this if they want to improve their relationship with consumers.

The phrase “read the room” means to pay attention to the response around you when you attempt to socialize at a party or other gathering. You need to do the same thing with business texting. Establish two-way conversations by sending quick polls or asking questions. These things will help you get a read on how engaged your audience is. If you do not get a response, business texting allows you to quickly shift tack for a new and more effective approach. Remaining agile improves your chances of not alienating the people you want to attract.

Now more than ever before, people seek out the safety, convenience, and social aspect of communication through business texting. With the existing and potentially long-term challenges associated with the Covid-19 pandemic, this service may become the most important aspect of your customer care and marketing strategies. Trends in phone usage and online shopping show no signs of reversing anytime soon. Take advantage of the extensive business texting capabilities that can propel your brand ever higher.

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