The New Demand for SMS Marketers: Why it’s a Necessary Skill

One trend that has emerged as a promising method is SMS marketing. With text messages receiving 98% open rates and businesses texting as an effective way for businesses to reach their clients, hiring an SMS marketer is a great investment. Alternatively, training your current marketers with these skills will ensure greater success.
What is SMS Marketing?
SMS marketing is a marketing strategy businesses can use to reach customers whenever and wherever they are. Businesses often send out discount codes, available promotions, product ads and more through text messages to their followers.
Nearly half of the world’s population owns a cellphone. This makes SMS marketing the most effective way of communicating with clients and customers. Whether they’re online, offline with notifications on or off, you can almost guarantee your messages will be sent. Here are other statistics that increase the effectiveness of SMS marketing.

  • Americans with cell phones check their phones at least 47 times a day.
  • Nearly 56% of consumers have already signed up for business texts from brands and are interested in doing so more often.
  • Business texts receive 6 times the engagement in comparison to email marketing
    From these stats alone, you can see why 56% of businesses are looking to invest more into SMS marketing. Firstly, consumers want to connect with brands through text messages. Secondly, given the popularity of cell phones and mobile applications, SMS marketing will inevitably provide your business with a leg up.
    The Benefits of SMS Marketing
    There are other major factors prompting businesses to look more into SMS marketing. Here is why businesses are investing more into SMS Marketing than ever before.
  1. The Rise of Mobile Marketing
    More people are spending time on their phones than ever before – roughly 6 hours a day to be exact. As we’re also seeing, more businesses are customizing their websites to fit mobile displays and developing apps for their services as well. Some big apps (ex: Tik Tok) are found exclusively on mobile devices. It’s safe to say that mobile marketing is a safe bet given the trends.
    A general rule of thumb for marketers is to seek out these trends and follow the customers to platforms where they spend the most time. Currently, that just so happens to be mobile devices. And as we’ve found throughout the past few years SMS marketing provides desired returns.
    Nearly 96% of marketers who implemented SMS marketing found it to drive up sales and revenue. This is to be expected with the rise of mobile platforms.
  2. Outdated Marketing
    Many big names companies have slashed their marketing budget in recent years. Why? Because of the lack of sales and revenue despite pouring millions into marketing. This could be due to the pandemic but big names such as Airbnb, L’oreal and Coca-Cola are taking a step back from ads.
    From billboards to excessive TV ads, the time and money put into these marketing tactics don’t always perform the best results. Even look at email marketing. What once was a marketing strategy every business took part in, is currently ineffective. Emails only receive about 20% engagement and most emails now go unread.
    These marketing channels do not meet consumers where they are. They also don’t account for the changing nature of consumer habits and behaviours.
    SMS marketing is becoming an increasingly popular channel for businesses. It’s effective and it costs much less than renting a billboard or airing a TV commercial. When you sign up with Text My Main Number, we offer competitive rates and packages depending on your business needs.

Hiring an SMS Marketer vs Training Current Staff
Given the popularity and wide usage of SMS marketing, you may start to wonder whether you should hire someone specific to this role. Alternatively, you may wonder if it’s better to train your staff with SMS Marketing.
There is no clear-cut or right answer here. With SMS marketing still in its early stages, there are no certificates or diplomas someone can earn for the role. Currently, social media marketers and marketing staff are more than capable to perform SMS marketing (of course, given their background). However, if you do plan on building a team of individuals dedicated to SMS marketing, here’s what to look for.

  • Social Media Experience
    In this day and age, social media has taught us that consumers love short and to-the-point information. That’s why Tik Tok has become as popular as it is. Concise messaging is exactly what SMS marketing is all about. As such, it’s best to recruit someone who has social media experience and can communicate information in short yet effective ways. These skills are directly transferrable to SMS marketing.
  • Big Problem Solvers
    SMS marketing is still a new field. There is no one way to correctly implement the channel into your marketing strategy. That’s why someone with the ability to be creative with their solutions and tackle problems from new angles would be the best to take on the role.
  • Experience with Marketing Campaigns
    Marketing campaigns require someone who can put together different materials to drive a larger consumer basis. A successful marketing campaign would also mean a growing subscribers list. As such, someone with this type of experience would prove to be effective at SMS marketing. For example, if someone’s resume includes that they’ve done email marketing in their previous role, that’s a huge sigh of relief for your business.
    No matter who you assign to the task, your SMS marketers should understand the business texting software inside out. They should know all the features and how to operate the software to ensure a smooth process. Luckily our customer service team at Text MY Main Number would be happy to walk through all the features with your team.
    SMS marketing is a new field but it’s rapidly growing. Get ahead of the curb and hire someone to take control of your SMS marketing to drive up your sales and give your business the attention it deserves. If you need an easy-to-use business texting software, Text My Main number has your back.
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