Did you know we check our phones about 96 times a day? Even 80% of Millennials say their phone is the first thing they check when they wake up. It is no surprise to anyone that people always have their phones on hand and are ready to search for information or check out the latest updates from their social networks. SMS for Business works, but only if your message reaches the consumer’s inbox, and if your ad is optimized for mobile devices. Here are the advantages of using landline texting in your digital marketing strategy.
The Advantages of Using SMS for Business
1. SMS for business has the best open rate.
Emails can remain unread for days, phone calls can go unanswered, but text messages are almost always read immediately after you send them.
2. You can easily track who opened your SMS messages.
Which links they clicked on and who ignored the message. Platforms like Text My Main Number allow you to keep track of these and more metrics. Click to learn more about our effective landline texting service.
3. SMS messages allow you to receive feedback from recipients.
Subscribers can quickly tap the “reply” button or by clicking on a link you provided.
4. Immediate delivery
SMS for business is fast. Once you press «send», your message is delivered instantly. You can set up a campaign and have hundreds of clicks in minutes.
5. Direct communication
With landline texting you can customize each of the texts according to the lists or groups you place your recipients in.
The Basic Components of Landline Texting
The two basic components of an SMS for business campaign are keywords and abbreviated code. Here is an example:
You can list a discount offer on your website or social media pages for those who Send “Text Me” to (your business phone number) to start receiving and sending messages with your business! “Text Me” is the keyword that is placed in the message body.
When a customer sends the message, they are «opt-in to participate» in your campaign. It’s as easy as that. Then you can perform different actions such as:
Send an automatic response to track and let them know what to expect next. Or you can simply add them to a list that will send additional text messages over time.
There are other ways to get customers to subscribe. Allowing them to check a box on an order form or submit their phone numbers online.
However, numbers received in this way must be confirmed, as a customer can always enter a number incorrectly. Therefore, before you add them to a campaign, you will need to confirm their registration with another message. For example: «Send a text message ‘YES’ to receive weekly coupons». Once they’ve chosen to participate, customers can also reply to your messages with secondary keywords. Allowing customers to use secondary keywords is a great way to interact with your business.
The Best Strategies for Generating Leads
There are different SMS message strategies that you can apply in your marketing campaigns to generate more customers and consequently sales for your business. Here are some of the best strategies, recommended by our team of experts:
1. Coupons in your SMS messages
Sending customers exclusive offers is a very effective lead-generating strategy. Start by creating uniquely generated coupon codes to prevent non-subscribers from taking advantage of your offer. This way, people have to subscribe to get the offer.
2. Action-activated campaigns
Sends automatic
messages based on the time customers subscribed. Think of this as another
form of marketing automation. You can create custom triggers or responses based
on each person’s status. If they are coupons, for example, you can send a 5%
discount coupon right after a user subscribes, a 10% coupon after three weeks
and a 20% discount coupon after two months.
The longer your you keep subscribers interested, the greater the incentive.
Best of all, you can schedule these messages to run automatically with a
platform like Text My Main Number.
3. Survey your customers
Allow your
customers to send text messages with different keywords to cast a
vote. With Text My Main Number, you can run surveys to collect responses
over a period of time. Using SMS for business to run a survey is
relatively simple. Plus, they offer an interesting piece of content. You can
then use the results internally to improve your operations. Or you can
reuse the results in both your blog and social content to take advantage of
your unique information.
People who left an answer will also be more eager to find out what the final
results were and even help you share them.
4. Organize a sweepstakes.
Landline texting can help you get customers by inviting them to sign up for a sweepstakes by texting a particular keyword.
Again, this is a
standard promotion strategy. You can select some winners from all who
choose to participate. To make it even more attractive, you can also offer a
smaller prize to each person who submits the keyword.
You can even use it as an opportunity for cross-promotions.
5. Send photos and videos.
In addition to general SMS for business messages, with Text My Main Number landline texting services you can send images and videos. This type of content is extremely attractive to customers and without a doubt will be a way to attract more customers and apprehend sales.
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