Tag Archives: business texting service for hiring managers

Hiring: 5 ways businesses use landline texting to grow their teams

Hiring employees can be difficult, but landline texting makes it easy to connect with qualified job candidates and get open positions filled fast.

Whether you’re a small business owner or the hiring manager for a large company, it’s important to connect with the right professionals to build a great team.

Landline texting is an amazing business solution to communicate with job candidates throughout the hiring process so you can move past talent scouting and get busy building a great company.

What is landline texting?

Traditional forms of communication are being replaced with better technology, but many businesses do not want to get a new phone number in order to communicate with customers via text.

Luckily, landline texting makes it possible to optimize your business’s existing phone number so it can send and receive text messages, photos, and documents quickly and securely.

Text My Main Number is an experienced business texting service provider that has helped professionals successfully implement landline texting to streamline workplace communication and optimize productivity.

Here are 5 ways hiring managers can use landline texting effectively

1. Use landline texting to confirm that you received applications and documents

Hiring employees requires a lot of routine back-and-forth communication that can easily eat up hours of your day. Plus, if you are working with multiple applicants, you’ll have to keep several email address or phone numbers straight. This can make even sending out messages to confirm you receive an application rather time consuming.

With landline texting, you can simply send the prospective employee a quick text message to their mobile device to confirm you received their application materials, and to let them know when they can expect to hear anything further from you. This eliminates any confusion on their end about following up, and allows them to have an easy way to contact you if they have any questions.

Here’s an example text message you can send to applicants:

Hi Frank,

Thank you for applying to our general manager position. We have received your application packet and will begin reviewing it soon. You can expect a message from a member of our team by the end of the week. Please call or text this number if you have any questions.

Looking forward to getting to know you!

2. A business texting service for hiring managers makes it easy to set up interviews via text

Once you’re ready to move forward and bring an applicant in for an interview, you’ll have to work out quite a few logistics. It may make sense to email over the details, but if the applicant is driving to your business or commuting a far distance, they likely won’t have easy access to their emails.

Text messages allow people to access information quickly, so your interview details and parking directions won’t get buried in their inbox and your interview can get going on time.

Your colleagues can also review interview details and get ready to meet the job applicant ahead of time. With qualified workers in short supply, it’s important that you and your company presents itself competently and professionally in order to attract the top talent.

3. Keep your entire team in the loop about prospective hires

Landline texting allows multiple users to make accounts and access messages sent to your business’s main phone number. If your boss or business partner want to check in on how the hiring process is going, they can simply look at the messages between you and the job candidates.

With landline texting, you can cut down the time you would usually spend in meetings going over the basic details of job applicants while making sure everyone has access to the same information. Members of your team will also see how they can reach out to applicants for future discussions, but the applicants will not get access to each team members’ direct line unless it’s given to them.

4. Quickly negotiate salary and benefits with landline texting

Jobs sometimes require multiple rounds of negotiations to come to an agreement on pay and benefits. Texting is an easy way to cut down on some of the back-and-forth and get right to the point. If the candidate wants to negotiate a better salary or benefits, they can text the request to your team. Everyone will be able to review the message, discuss it, and craft a response.

Although texting may not feel like a very formal way to communicate professionally, more and more people are embracing texting as a part of modern business practices. The majority of American adults own cell phones and most use those phones to send and receive text messages. Plus, an increasing amount of people are beginning to prefer communicating via text instead of phone call, according to the Pew Research Center.

5. Send a thank you text after interviewing a promising candidate

Leave your most promising candidates with a great impression of you and your team by sending a thoughtful thank you message after their interview. You can also text them any follow up questions or invite them back to meet more members of your team.

Texting helps job candidates know that your workplace is keeping up with consumer demands and values clear, direct communication. Motivated applicants will enjoy having the freedom to text you and your team, so they’ll feel more comfortable collaborating as soon as they start on their first day of work.

How to get started with landline texting

If you want to merge your phone service with text messaging, reach out to a trusted and qualified business texting service provider to discuss how landline texting can benefit you and your business.

Visit our website to learn more about Text My Main Number.