Tag Archives: business texting service for Ecommerce stores

5 ways to use landline texting for your growing Ecommerce store

Ecommerce is a booming industry, but many Ecommerce business owners struggle to make a connection with clients who they only interact with online. Landline texting is one way Ecommerce sites can connect with consumers and make their brand stand out among the many others.

In 2021 alone, there will be an estimated 2.14 billion buyers around the world, accounting for more than 18% of retail sales, meaning that Ecommerce businesses have the opportunity to tap into a huge pool of consumers, according to industry reports.

Ecommerce companies will need to continue looking for ways to outshine the competition and capture the attention of consumers who have an overwhelming number of options at their fingertips.

Landline texting is one way Ecommerce companies can set themselves apart from their competition and provide unforgettable customer service in an global marketplace.

What is landline texting?

Traditional landline phones cannot send or receive text messages, but landline texting providers help companies optimize their business’s phone number so it can keep up in the modern workplace.

Text My Main Number is an experienced business texting service provider that has helped professionals across many industries successfully implement landline texting to streamline workplace communication and optimize productivity.

Landline texting is an affordable and intuitive business communication tool that makes professional communication direct and fast. Text My Main Number clients get access to an intuitive messaging dashboard, which allows them to review and send messages from their computers or mobile devices.

Here are 5 ways landline texting can help your Ecommerce store remain competitive

1. Use a business texting service for Ecommerce stores to send out special offers for products and services

People love a good deal. However, many emails and special offers go unnoticed unless a customer remembers to visit your site or routinely checks his or her email.

If you want to make sure your promotion or special offer is successful, send out a text with an offer code to your contact list. People can see the code on their mobile devices and use it to make a purchase.

While your customers are saving money, you’ll also be saving money you would traditionally spend on flashy marketing campaigns and advertising to promote the same special offer.

2. Landline texting keeps your customers in the loop with shipping and delivery updates

Ecommerce professionals need to be able to provide goods and services without working with people face-to-face. That means that customers will likely order something from you and expect it to get delivered in a timely fashion.

You can keep your customers happy and informed by sending out automatic shipping and delivery updates as their delivery is on the way. They can make plans to receive their package and not worry if it was lost or damaged during transit.

Here’s an example message you can send customers :

Hi Lucy,

Thank you so much for your order. Your package has shipped and is scheduled for delivery in 3-5 business days. Please reach out to our team at this number if you have any questions.

Thank you again!

3. A business texting service for Ecommerce stores makes it easy to get in touch with customer support

Since you operate a company at a global scale, a lot can go wrong in the process of completing and delivering an order. It’s vital to offer responsive and helpful customer support as an Ecommerce business owner. If a customer has a bad experience, they can easily publish an online review that could potentially damage your company’s profits and reputation.

Make it as easy as possible to reach your business’s customer support team with landline texting. Instead of scouring your website for an email address or contact form, your customers can simply text their question to your main phone number to receive assistance.

Even if you’re in different time zones, you can still promptly respond to any inquiry you receive by setting up automatic replies. Customers will understand that your team received their messages, and you can answer their questions when you’re back in the office.

4. Use landline texting to announce new products and link to your website to boost sales

Expanding your Ecommerce store is exciting, but you need to be sure that people will see what great additions you have to offer. Returning customers will likely be more willing to order from you again if they had a good experience the first time. That’s why loyalty programs are so popular.

Once customers get to know and trust your brand, you can make special discounts and new product announcements available via text message. You can make customers feel even more special by personalizing the messages with their name.

Group text messages make it easy to quickly get the word out to your contacts without needing to spend extra money on email marketing campaigns or advertisements.

5. Attract more customers with a U.S. phone number that’s equipped for landline texting

If your company is based in another country, U.S. customers may hesitate to reach out to you due to hefty long distance charges. A U.S. phone number will help customers in America feel comfortable reaching out to you via phone call or text message.

Landline texting with Text My Main Number allows non-U.S. number users to get a U.S. phone number for texting purposes. This option allows your Ecommerce company to access an entirely new customer base and provide great support via text across the U.S.

How to get started with landline texting

If you want to merge your phone service with text messaging, reach out to a trusted and qualified business texting service provider to discuss your options today.

Visit our website to learn more about Text My Main Number.