How Non Profit Organizations Can Benefit from Landline Texting

Non-profit organizers will all agree on one thing – spreading awareness about your initiative is fundamental to successful fundraising and making an overall impact. But many organizations still struggle to promote their message. 

Non-profits that implement business texting into their marketing strategy experience the opposite: it does wonders to their platform. It’s a cost-effective and efficient investment that non-profits use to increase their visibility and drive up their donations. 

What Can Non-Profits Use Business Texting For?

Non-profits can take advantage of business texting in multiple ways. In one landline text, hundreds of potential donors and volunteers can receive your message. Here are a few ideas on how you can use business texting in your day-to-day operations. 

Every non-profit relies on community support and awareness to fight for an important cause. Landline texting helps expand your potential. Using landline texting enhances your ability to spread the word about your non-profit. 
  • Event Reminders

Donation drives, charity runs and auctions – events are the bread and butter of many non-profit initiatives. You can use landline texting to remind participants of upcoming events and fundraisers. 

You can send reminders tailored to different groups as well. Text My Main Number (TMMN) gives the option of grouping your contacts depending on their roles. So if you have a specific reminder to volunteers, donors and sponsors, this is a great feature to utilize. 

  • Donation Reminders

Business texting allows you to directly reach out to individuals donors and remind them of upcoming deadlines for donations. You can also include a link to the donation page as well in your text. 

But you want to refrain from generic donation messages. Put emotion and feeling into your text. If possible, consider writing specific texts to your donors as well

  • Promote your social cause

For people to support your non-profit, they need to know what your social cause is. You can break down your social cause in 2- 3 sentences for a simple landline text and send it to those who signed up. This is a great opportunity to promote your website and existing socials as well. 

  • Volunteer Recruitment

Enabling business texting with TMMN gives you the feature of a keyword. Interested volunteers can text a keyword to a number and they’ll receive alerts and reminders to sign up. 

As such, texting is the perfect medium to turn interested people into volunteers for your organization. Send out a landline text showcasing the need for volunteers and the impact they’ll make when they join your non-profit. This method is much more efficient than sending out an email. 

  • Bring awareness to stories related to your non-profit

To further your message, non-profits can highlight recent stories related to your organization. A recent decent natural disaster may have happened. A humanitarian crisis may have stirred up a lot of attention in the media recently. 

Whatever it is, with a simple landline text, you can bring awareness to the issue. It’ll reach more people, prompting greater motivation for volunteers and donors to join your initiative. 

Example Charity Situation

Let’s assume your non-profit organization collects clothing and toiletries for a woman’s shelter in the local area. As people pass by your table you constantly hear “I wish I could donate something but I just don’t have items right now.” or “When’s the next donation drive?”

Now you utilize social media, posters and your local drives to promote your business number and code for others to join. This ensures that anyone who expressed interest gets updates right on their phones. The first few texts are sent to promote the upcoming event. The next few speak on the need for volunteers.  

And the numbers skyrocket. Donations, interest, volunteers: it’s beyond what you could imagine. From one short text message, many more people receive the updates they need to follow your non-profit.

Features You Can Take Advantage of

Signing up with Text My Main Number equips you with everything you need to make the most out of business texting. Better yet, implementing it in your business comes at a low cost. Here are other features you can expect when you sign up TMMN. 

  • Auto reply

With upcoming fundraising events, your inbox will flood with messages and sign-up requests. The auto-reply feature allows you to automate reply messages depending on keywords texted to your business phone number. 

For example, if someone texts the words “volunteer sign-up,” the algorithm assumes that someone is asking about becoming a volunteer. This is an example automated response:

“Hi there, so glad you’re interested in volunteering for our organization. Please follow the link below to fill out a volunteer sign-up form on our website!” 

  • Scheduled texting

If you have an upcoming fundraising event or charity event, scheduled texts are a great way to promote it ahead of time. Here’s a sample text in this scenario:

“Calling all volunteers, donors and people looking to make a change. Join us on Friday at noon for our annual charity event. Guest speakers, raffles and fun games will be present, so come out!” 

  • Direct chat messaging

If there’s a concern from someone in your organization or a text message that you would like to directly respond to, TMMN has a chat function that enables that. With the chat feature, you can simultaneously have as many conversations as you want. 

  • Exceptional customer support

Any issues or trouble with your business texting? Do you want to learn about the full potential of some other features? When you sign up with TMMN, you’ll have access to our free support service whenever you run into any issues. 

Can Business Texting Improve My Marketing?

81% of Americans text regularly with over 6 billion texts sent in one day. The stark reality is that text messaging has taken over as our main way of communication. 

This why non-profits should take advantage of business texting. You can directly connect with potential volunteers or donors and promote your events for a larger turnout. 

How To Start

  • Sign up with TMMN (simple form to fill out)
  • Create awareness around your business texting number: It’s a good idea to mention your business texting platform on social media or your website. 
  • Create your text message template: With TMMN you can store your messages for easy access. Better yet, we also have a plethora of text templates you can use as well. 
  • Text your subscribers

Business Texting Tips for Non- Profits

  • Add the emotion: Potential volunteers and donors will feel enticed and emotionally drawn to your organization if you add that emotional layer to your messaging. 
  • Don’t text too often: Staying engaged with donors and volunteers is amazing. However, you don’t want to overwhelm people with messages every day. Instead, it’s best to follow a weekly or monthly schedule. 
  • Make it concise. While it may be difficult, texts should be short. As such, ensure that your messages are to the point!

Integrating landline texting with your non-profit organization is a great way to elevate your marketing strategy and increase awareness for your cause. If you’re still curious about what business texting can do for you, feel free to call us at 1.800.797.3167 or email at

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