Business texting for small companies: What are the benefits?

Good entrepreneurs know that in order to remain competitive and succeed in business, they need to make themselves available to their clients and colleagues. An easy and effective way to increase your availability is through landline texting.

In this post, we’ll talk about the various ways landline texting outperforms email communication, social media, and mobile applications. We’ll also show you why 2021 is the ideal time for small companies to make sure they’re set up to send and receive text messages from their main phone numbers.

What is landline texting?

Landline texting is a service that optimizes a hard line phone number a company already has so the phone number is able to send and receive text messages in addition to voice calls. Adding this feature allows a business to streamline communication and automate some routine tasks. The service won’t affect normal voice call service, and it doesn’t require any additional equipment to use.

Many small companies have chosen to work with Text My Main Number for their business texting service needs. Our friendly and knowledgeable staff can get a company’s landline phone number ready for texting. We’ll also help train employees on using our intuitive online dashboard and mobile app where they can manage text messages.

Consumers are on their smartphones a lot, so you should be too

We now know that people use their mobile phones to access the internet just as much as they use their computers. As of 2019, mobile devices were generating about half of all website traffic recorded globally, according to statistics and research gathered by Hubspot.

If people are spending that much time on their mobile devices, why not make it as easy as possible for them to use their mobile devices to connect with a business via text message? Landline texting not only opens up another convenient line of communication straight to your company, but it can also help drive traffic to your company’s website where they can learn more about the company and the services it offers.

Furthermore, Think with Google research tells us that people are already comfortable contacting businesses using their smartphones, with 60% of smartphone users reporting that they have contacted businesses directly using internet search engine results. Having the extra option to text a business’s number makes it even more likely that they’ll take the time to reach out.

Sorry, your fancy emails are probably getting ignored

The industry average email click-through rate is only 2.13%, according to recent stats from Hubspot. Of the few emails that do get opened, 42% are viewed using a mobile device.

Many companies assume that they should spend their time and marketing dollars on flashy email campaigns. That was a wise strategy when email was still getting started a few years ago. Today’s it’s a different story. People’s inboxes are overflowing with messages that they likely don’t have time to sort through and read. According to 2020 data from Sinch, 40% of consumers said that they have at least 50 unread emails waiting for them in their email inbox.

While emails can generate some interest among the folks who faithfully check and read the emails you send out, it’s statistically more likely that those messages never get opened in the first place.

Business texting can be a more effective strategy for small companies. Consumers are 35 times more likely to open mobile messages, according to 2020 Hubspot statistics. Plus, studies show that text message marketing campaigns perform seven times better than similar email marketing campaigns.

Text messages can be as simple as sending an automated ‘thank you’ note to a client after they make a purchase or a short announcement about a special promotion that your company is offering and a link to your mobile site for more information.

Social media is too noisy for effective business communication

Social media does provide a good opportunity to promote your company and interact with business associates, but in the coming years social media is expected to become increasingly crowded with new users and brands. By the year 2023, there is expected to be a total of 257.4 million social media users in the U.S. alone. Around the globe there will be 3.43 billion, according to Hubspot. Plus, algorithms and elaborate social media campaigns can make it difficult for people to see content from smaller companies, even if it’s great content.

Business texting for small companies gets your messages right in front of the people who care about them most without fighting an algorithm or competing for attention. Companies can even use their social media channels to encourage people to sign up to receive their text messages.

Business texting for small companies builds trust in your brand

Mobile apps can also be a risky investment for small businesses, with some business apps costing hundreds of thousands of dollars to design and launch.

According to Sinch surveys, 80% of consumers say they will only download apps from companies they know and trust, and 72% of consumers are concerned that apps are tracking their movements.

Professional text messages sent from your business’s main phone number can help establish trust between your company and potential clients or business partners. Messages can be customized and addressed specifically to the recipient, so they know they’re speaking with another person instead of a chatbot.

Now has never been a better time to invest in landline texting for your small company. Text My Main Number offers an affordable business texting service that has a solid track record of helping small business owners across various industries upgrade their existing landline telephone technology to better meet the needs and expectations of their modern clients.

Visit our website to learn more about Text My Main Number.

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