Business Landline Texting is the Future of Sales Conversions

Implementing business landline texting seems to have been the top to do list item for business owners this 1st quarter. It’s now the end of February 2020, and we wonder how many business owners have reviewed and analyzed their digital marketing plan to see if they’re on track thus far. Confidence in the success of any marketing plan starts to diminish quickly when you’re already off track by the 2nd month of the year.

Don’t fret if your plan doesn’t seem to be fully on track, because there is still plenty of months left in the year to improve your Sales Conversions.

Building a solid digital marketing plan can be a struggle especially when you don’t even know why it didn’t work in the past. Analyzing previous years’ analytics is the only way you will figure out what is positively and negatively effecting how well your brand’s content is performing. Once that’s established, you can work towards refining your content strategy and set your goals for the year.

If you’re not familiar with content trends, technology advances (like landline texting from your business phone number), SEO protocol updates, then you may very well be blindly approaching digital marketing and its power over sales conversions. That will easily translate into a loss for the business. An expensive loss.

Marketers aren’t necessarily cheap and if you’re handling your own online marketing, most times you get what you pay for. So, before your expense column in your profits & loss statement for 2020 is higher than your profits, let’s review what should be included in your digital marketing plan.

Digital Marketing Plan: Content Quality Over Quantity

In order to increase anything, you must always add value to what exists or enhance it with an improvement to what you offered or distributed before. Same rule applies to content, especially when your main goal is to boost sales conversions.

Content doesn’t only consist of blog articles and social media posts. Don’t think of the platform, think of what you’re publishing on those platforms when strategizing your digital marketing plan.

For example: You can write an excellent “how to” blog article but how much more value would you be offering consumers if within that article you also offered a downloadable template guide? Hubspot tested this theory by reposting an old article about press releases and this time included a downloadable templates guide. The conversation rate skyrocketed by an increase of 240%. Impressive!

Use tools like Google Analytics to check out what is driving the most traffic to your website and post more of whatever content seems to be appealing to your audience.

If you’re seeing a lot of traffic but very little conversions, then you MUST re-optimize and fine-tune your content to improve your offerings. Make sure there is a clear call-to-action on all of the content you publish to easily direct your audience to a purchase, a free trial, or some way to contact your sales team.

Implementing Landline Texting into Your Digital Marketing Plan

If you know that part of the conversion problem is that you’re never available when someone tries to reach your business, then you must update your website and social media pages with “Text Us Now” buttons so that you can instantly chat with your audience.

You will receive messages through the Text My Main Number web-based user panel which will allow you to quickly reply to your potential customers on any mobile device. You can keep track of conversations and refer to them when need be. This landline texting platform will also allow you to create autoreply templates based on a keyword that the lead or customer used in their text message to you. You can use links that will lead to the purchase of their keyword or a link for them to schedule an appointment or phone call to speak to you during business hours.

  • People prefer texting businesses over making a phone call these days. In part, because:
  • They don’t want to wait forever to reach a customer service representative
  • They hate long hold times
  • Plain old laziness
  • They’re used to text messaging to communicate with family and friends and are now translating that into communicating with businesses.
  • It’s an instant way to ask their question

That being said, it’s up to you to include the landline texting option everywhere you publish content that is of interest to your target audience. If they can just press a button to ask more about what they’re reading or seeing on your website or social media profile, you’ll easily catch more fish in the sea of sales.

Once you’ve engaged a lead via text messaging, you’ll want to keep your interaction humanized in order to make your brand appealing to them. That’s the best way to build a loyal relationship with your consumers.  Make sure you goal is to connect with your audience, provide solutions, and then finally close your sale towards the end of the conversation. Pushing for a purchase or an appointment right away may make them feel like they’re speaking to a robot that was programmed to just get their money. No one wants to feel like they’re being driven to buy without first being acknowledged as a person in need of more information.

Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) is Crucial

Your conversion rate is the number of people who take a specific action on a page or post vs. the total number of people who viewed it. The action that you consider to be meaningful may vary.

For instance, you may be aiming to get people to subscribe to your newsletters, buy a product, or schedule an appointment.

Conversion rate optimization are the actions you take to increase your conversion rate.

How can you use CRO to improve Sales Conversions?

Don’t waste your money on strategies and tactics that don’t work. You must focus on delivering value and offering an improved experience to your audience. Tweak your blog content and add banners, exit pop-ups, or slide-ins, to increase sales conversion rates and entice new leads. If you’re ready to see a real improvement in your sales conversions, then don’t wait another second to contact us so we can speak to you right away and together we will figure out the best solution to convert your online traffic into new customers.

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