6 Ways Landline Texting Can Improve Customer Service

6 Ways Landline Texting Can Improve Customer Service

  1.  Allow customers to choose a communication method based on their preference.

As much as we love touting the benefits of landline texting, there will, of course, still be some customers who prefer to speak with a customer service representative over the phone. And that’s fine! Landline texting will not interfere with your business’ regular voice service at all. 

With landline texting, your business will be able to cater to the customer service preference of each one of your customers. Not only will this improve the overall customer service experience, but customers’ perception of your business is likely to improve, as well. According to Finances Online, 77% of consumers are likely to have a positive perception of businesses that offer texting as a means of communicating.

Maybe you are thinking, “My business caters to an older demographic. Do I really need landline texting?” Well, believe it or not, older consumers are texting, too! According to a study by AARP with participants ages 50 and older, text messaging is the most popular method for staying connected among those under 70.

It is becoming increasingly clear in 2020 that people across demographics are turning to text messaging as their preferred communication method, and it is time for your business to get on board.

  •  Provide a personal touch with two-way chat.

Oftentimes, when people think of texting to resolve customer service issues, they think of experiences they have had communicating with online or mobile chatbots. As useful as chatbots are, they just don’t provide customers with the same human touch as other channels.

Luckily, with the two-way chat feature provided by many business texting services, you can bring human connection to your landline texting capabilities. Customer service representatives can manage and access all customer communications through a web or mobile browser. From there, they can chat with customers and provide them with the personal experience of a phone call combined with the convenience of text messaging!

  •  Discover the customer connections you may have been missing before.

Did you know that over 50% of consumers have tried to reply to a missed call via text? It’s almost a reflex these days! With the exodus of landline phones for personal use, many people just assume that the number they see on their screen belongs to a mobile or otherwise text-enabled device.

Although landline phones are no longer popular for individuals, many businesses still utilize them as the central phone line for customer and employee communications. Unfortunately, if your business’ landline is not text-enabled, it could lead to some missed connections with customers who are already trying to text you!

Landline texting will ensure that you never miss an opportunity to make a sale or provide customer support on your customers’ preferred channel.

  •  Maximize the productivity of customer service staff.

Texting is just faster, plain and simple. When compared to email or voice calls, your customer service staff will be better prepared to easily and efficiently provide customer service solutions at a higher rate than ever before.

Stepping up the efficiency of your customer service staff with landline texting will not only improve customer service, but it will save your business valuable time and money, as well.

  •  Collect customer feedback.

One of the best ways to improve customer service is by asking customers about their experience! Unfortunately, this is easier said than done. People are busy, and it can be difficult to entice them into filling out a customer survey.

With landline texting, however, you can conduct short and simple customer feedback surveys entirely via text. The survey texting feature will give your business the capability to ask customers about various aspects of their experience in a fast and unobtrusive way. 

One of the ways in which you could accomplish this is by setting up a survey based on a rating system. For example, ask customers to rate different aspects of their experience on a scale of 1-10. Formulate a series of three to five questions to pose to customers and keep a record of their responses in your business texting platform. Once you have collected an adequate amount of survey responses, your business will be better prepared to make an accurate evaluation about what you’re doing right and what areas have room for improvement.

Customer feedback is crucial to creating the best customer experience possible. With landline texting, it’s easier than ever to collect and store such pivotal information.

  •  Automate the process.

As we mentioned earlier, landline texting allows your business to provide modern customer service with a personal touch. However, there are certain areas of customer service that can and should be automated to save your business time.

For instance, many businesses use landline texting to send appointment and/or payment reminders. With landline texting, you can use the scheduled texting feature to set up the release of those messages ahead of time. At the designated time, the reminder text will be sent without any additional interference from your team! 

While you and your staff are working on other areas of your business, you can still be providing top-notch customer service through your landline texting capabilities!

Through the use of landline texting, your business can step up customer service in a big way, giving you the edge over the competition! If you are ready to get started, try our 14-day free trial now!

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