5 Strategies to Ensure a Successful Landline Texting Marketing Campaign

It’s quite common for business owners to begin selling new products or services after the new year. In fact, the “new year, new me” form of thinking usually encourages entrepreneurs to launch a new business for the new year.

When starting out or putting out a new service, collection, or product line you’ll need a marketing strategy to spread the word and using landline texting would set your campaign apart from your competitors.

One of the best marketing strategies for 2021 is to use landline texting services over any other form of communication. People have been bombarded with email campaigns (not that they don’t work, they’re just not as effective), and social media has become oversaturated. People actually have become accustomed to just bypassing ads when scrolling social media and just scroll on until they get to the images or videos, they actually logged on to see. Post from their friends, family and colleagues is what they want to see because that’s what being SOCIAL means.

Keeping that in mind, your best marketing tactic is to go for personalization. Text messages are something people will look at quickly thinking that it’s a message from someone they know.

If you haven’t used landline texting yet to leverage your business, it’s about time you do so. And here’s why.

According to an article from business2community.com, text messages average an open rate of 99%, while emails only have an open rate of 33%. The clicks through rates also have a significant difference which is 36% for text messages and only 7% for email marketing. There’s a 29% difference with the CTR which is significant enough to affect conversions. 

With Covid-19 still on the rise, it’s expected for consumers to shop online rather than in person. So in essence projections are demonstrating an increase in the online sales arena this year, so you surely don’t want to miss this opportunity to maximize your conversion rate!

That being said, let’s go over your landline texting approach so that you’re connecting with your target audience in a way that will not cause them to immediately opt out from receiving messaging from your brand. Knowing how to do it right will increase your chance of success.

Here are five ways on how to create an effective landline texting marketing campaign!

1. Know your customer

Knowing your target audience is one of the main keys for a successful marketing campaign. If you know your customers, it will be easier to craft the right messages that would resonate with them. To know your customers, you need to analyze their purchase history, pain points, location and age demographics, and more. For instance, if your business is selling vegan cookies in New York, you don’t sell to people who are meat eaters in Los Angeles.

Customer segmentation is key when sending bulk messages for the purpose of sales and promotions. When you know your target customers, you gain so much advantage in your marketing efforts.

2. Send a Clear Message

With landline texting marketing, you need to capture the customer’s attention, interest, and desire in just a few words. The ideal number of characters to send your message is 160 characters. Hence, every word must count. Get to the point. Provide important details such as the corresponding dates of the sale period and the action your customers need to take in order to take advantage of the offer. 

3. Use CTA Buttons

One of the best strategies for copywriting is using the AIDA strategy which stands for attention, interest, desire, and action. Without a call to action, your customers wouldn’t know the steps to take after reading your offer. A CTA (call to action) button also increases click rate and conversion. Some of the best call to action phrases you can use include:

  • Click here – This is best to use when you want to say more but don’t have enough space to write everything. Providing a button where they can click and get all the necessary details will allow you to get the message across more clearly.
  • Buy now – This CTA reinforces customers to take the action, not later, but now! This is best to use for targeted customers who are already routinely buying your products.
  • Text to [KEYWORD] to [NUMBER] – This is the most common CTA for SMS marketing and also the best way to get your target customers’ phone numbers.  Sample format: Text SAVE to (whatever your business phone number is).
  • Show this text – This CTA is perfect for conversion and engagement. You can tell the customers to show your text message to earn a discount. For example: “Show this text for a 30% discount of your purchase.”

4. Engage in conversation

One way to connect with your potential customers is to engage in a conversation with them. But, many marketers stop at sending promotional content and no longer reinforce this strategy. Make sure you set up automatic responses after a recipient takes action. For instance, if your CTA is for customers to sign up for a newsletter, you have to create an automated response telling them congratulations for successfully signing up and a link to where they can claim the promised bonus. There are so many platforms available for you to set up automated messages when triggered by specific actions from your recipients. 

5. Always add value to your customers

Your message must not only be clear, but also add value to the potential customers. To make your text message impactful, you can employ the following strategies.

  • Make exclusive offers and deals
  • Publicize information on upcoming products
  • Target your past customers with a list of new products
  • Remind your customers of their confirmed reservations or appointments
  • Notify them about their purchases

In Conclusion When done right, business texting has been proven to boost sales for several businesses. With so much competition on the market, it is imperative to raise your game to make your business visible, impactful, and sustainable. Employ these strategies to your next landline texting marketing campaign and reap the benefits of using this powerful marketing strategy.

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