10 Ways to Use Business Texting to Improve Your Opt-in Rate

What good is a list of subscribers if you can’t keep them interested? To ensure your contact list is continuously increasing, use these tips to improve your opt-in rate with Business Texting.

As more industries begin using landline texting, it’s important that you stay smart and use the best practices. You want your target audience to stay interested in receiving text messages from your business, which is why we created this post. We want to teach you how to use business texting in a way that will retain your list of subscribers.

With the plethora of communication channels out there for businesses, trying to decide which will work best for reaching your audience can be difficult. You want to ensure that your prospects and customers receive your message without being annoyed.

10 Ways to Use Business Texting to Improve Your Opt-in Rate

1.  Keep Your SMS Marketing Messages Short

The only way business texting is going to be effective is if you avoid annoying your subscribers so keep your messages short. No one wants to read a long text message and we strongly suggest that you keep them down to a sentence or two. You want them to quickly glance at their text message preview window and immediately attract their attention with that first sentence. That’s what’s going to encourage your subscriber to tap their screen and open the rest of that text message.

2. Use Business Texting to Build Relationships with Your Audience

In any relationship you build, loyalty is one of the most vital ingredients in that recipe. Building loyalty with your prospects and customers is a great way to strengthen a relationship with the. Don’t send messages they haven’t shown interest in receiving. Unless they’ve subscribed to receiving messages in the particular category your blasting out about, recognize their interests so that in turn, they appreciate that you respect their boundaries.

You can learn about your text message recipients’ preferences by simply asking at sign-up what type of text messages they’d like to receive from your business.

3. Don’t Annoy Subscribers

Research has already proven that consumers prefer communicating with brands via text messages over phone calls or emails.  One of the reasons it’s preferred is because they already feel overwhelmed with the overabundance of emails that are clogging up their inbox. Limit your business texting frequency and provide valuable content. People want to engage with your brand so long as you don’t pass a specific threshold where they perceive your messages as being excessive.

4. Provide Useful Updates

or online retailers who ship products, you can ask your customers if they’d like to receive alerts and updates about their order at checkout. Many times, emails from business fall into the spam folder and gets missed by the customer. This causes consumers to call your business phone number to get an update. Make it more convenient for them by text-enabling your business phone number so that they can send their questions or concerns about their order, and an employee can reply using the Text My Main Number web-based user panel.

5. Personalize Your SMS Marketing Messages

SMS Marketing works best when you customize your text messages to be personal and inviting. If you have a large list of subscribers, it would be best if you split them up into groups by category. That way you’re able to send personalized text messages to each group about their specific product or service interests. When you send out text messages to your entire list of subscribers, they tend to be too generalized and come across as they same advertising messages they’re already receiving from other brands.

6. Avoid One-Worded Replies When Using Business Text Messaging

You want your audience to feel like they’re interacting with someone who cares about their inquiry. The best way to humanize digital communication is by messaging as if you were speaking in person. Send full sentences and add a touch of personality to make it more conversational. You want your subscribers to feel engaged in order to retain their interest in sending and receiving messages to your text-enabled business phone.

7. Set Limits When Using Business Texting

Enjoyable communication is a two-way street so setting boundaries from the beginning will avoid overwhelming your subscribers. You want to be cognizant of the time of day you’re sending your text messages, the amount of text messages you’re sending, and that you’re including a reason from them to engage in your context. You may have to create groups based on the time zone the recipient is in and create sub-groups based on their interests. When scheduling text messages, be sure that you’re still customizing the messages by keeping the message personalized so that it suits they boundary lines.

8. Convey Value in Your Business Text Messages

If you’re a medical professional who just started using a landline texting platform to communicate with your patients/clients, send messages that make sense and are useful. For example, you can send daily tips on how to improve your health which will add value to your business text messages. Don’t spam them with nonsense because by doing so, you’re killing their trust in you. You can send out surveys that will help you understand what else you can do to add value to your text messages. Once people agree to receiving messages from your practice, adding value is what will keep them opted in.

9. Ensure Relevancy in Your Content

Everyone is connected to their mobile devices and with text messages having such a high open rate, there is no doubt that landline texting is the best form of communication. That’s why it’s extremely crucial that the content you deliver is relevant to your target audience. If they’ve opted in to receiving messages from your text-enabled business phone number, that means they’re already interested. So now it’s up to you to tailor content that will help establish more of a beneficial relationship with your subscribers.

10. Safeguard Your Opt-in Rate

A lot of times, businesses increase their text messaging contact list by offering a promotional discount for signing up. Shortly after customers have used that promo code, they opt out of receiving messages from your brand. Often times, the reason that happens is because your company has sent irrelevant content to them, and way too much of them at that. It’s not all about advertising when it comes to sending text messages to consumers. You can also offer customer service to your subscribers and answer their questions about products or services. Even sending a happy birthday will go a long way with subscribers and these items will help safeguard your opt-in rate. So, the formula in retaining and growing your text messaging contact list is:

Low frequency in text messages + valuable content + personalization = a strong and developing opt-in rate. To get started with SMS communication with your consumers, contact us to start your free trial and speak to one of your text messaging platform professionals who will be able to answer all of your questions, and help you get all set up.

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