Why You Need Landline Texting to Promote Your Political Campaign

Voting day is around the corner, your campaign has just launched to the public – it’s probably the most exciting yet important time of your career.
You’re probably used to the standard T.V campaigns, posters, and going from institution to institution to win overvotes. While it’s the traditional and standard way of campaigning, landline texting can do wonders to promote your candidacy and message.
Obama championed landline texting in the 2008 presidential election by sending out 3 million text messages to his supporters about rallies, fundraising, and more. The results showed how effective SMS texting can be. Below, we cover the benefits of SMS texting for your campaign, ways to utilize this tool, and standards of landline texting for your campaign.
The Benefits of Landline Texting for Your Political Campaign
On a daily basis, nearly 6 million text messages are sent and read every day. It is the modern way of communication meaning it’s the most effective way to reach people.
Whether your campaign requires more funding, or you need greater support from your voters, landline texting helps you reach your audience quicker. Not to mention, more people will likely read your message as well.
Here are the benefits of landline texting for your campaign:

  • Reach more people
    Compared to emails, text messages have an average 97% open rate. With more people getting reminders on your next stop, you can reel in more eyes on your campaign.
  • Increase engagement with your voters
    Nowadays, more people spend time on their mobile devices than any other form of technology. When sending out political text messages, you’re preventing your followers from losing interest in your message and your cause.
  • Easy mode of communication
    T.V ads require booking a slot with a news channel. Showing up at institutions requires scheduling, attendance tracking and so much more. However, with a simple text to those who sign – up, you can send out millions of messages with a simple draft and click of a button.

Ways to Use Landline Texting

  1. Event Notifications
    When you’re on your campaign trail, you’ll visit many different cities and stops along the way. How successful and impactful your campaign stops will depend on the turnout rate at your events. Not only can you seal more voters but continue to strengthen your group of followers.
    You can surely take advantage of landline texting during your political campaign to promote your next rally at city halls, schools and so much more. This updates your followers who want to come out and show support.
    You can send this out a few hours ahead of time or a few days before; whatever method works for you. Also use this opportunity to remind your voters of any other media appearances you’ll make!
  2. Updates on Campaign
    Whether you’ve reached a milestone or want to share any good news with your voters, use landline texting to update your followers on stats from your campaign. Your voters will appreciate the updates and may even encourage others to follow your platform as well.
    While many news broadcasters take a professional approach to these updates, you don’t have to. Landline texting grants you the ability to speak to your voters with more compassion and as if they’re your friends. The more voters can relate to you, the more you can gain their support.
    You can use an auto-reply feature that allows you to respond to voters. These replies can include a link to your website, videos, etc.
  3. Sending out Your Platform
    The main reason voters pick a candidate to support is that their cause and what they aim to achieve while elected reflects what they want to see. You can easily let your know your stand on issues during the campaign via landline text. This allows voters to understand exactly what you stand for.
    Besides a simple text, you also have an option of sending out surveys to understand your voters just slightly more. For example, you could also ask for their opinion on an issue and what changes they want to see. When you sign up with TextMyMainNumber, we walk you through the option of sending out a survey via text. And don’t worry, the process is simple.
  4. Gain Donations/Volunteers
    Campaigns need funding. If someone believes in your message and potential enough, the funding will come in. You can send out a landline text linking to where they can potentially donate some money.
    However, if money isn’t possible, you’ll still need volunteers to help out during your campaign trial. You can simply organize rallies and gather a team of volunteers with one text. Just include a sign-up link in your text to get others to join.
  5. Voting Day
    Unfortunately, many people do not register to vote despite the option to do so. It’s important to remind voters of the voting day throughout your landline texts. This will not only remind people of the important date, but it will emphasize the importance of voting rights.
    Etiquette for Landline Texting
    Landline texting can do wonders for your campaign and your potential to get elected. However, like anything, there are a set of standards and unspoken rules to ensure your attempts are effective. Here are just a few rules to consider:
  • Don’t spam your voters:
    While it is important to get your message out there, while it is essential to remind voters when polls open, spamming your voters with text after text may sway them to end communications with you.
    As such, take the time to plan out a texting timeline. Narrow it down to essential peak times in your campaign to send out texts.
  • Take a personal approach
    Being a professional figure is a must during your campaign. However, times are changing. Voters and people, in general, want to vote for someone they can personally connect with. They want to stand behind someone who has a likable personality.
    Take advantage of landline texting to send out messages with emojis and add some humor to your messages.
  • Create groups
    When people sign-up for your text messages, it’s best to organize your voters into groups. For example, have a separate group of volunteers, donors, and potential voters. This will help you curate specific messages to the particular group.
    Using Landline Texting in your campaign trail can help you get the audience and votes you need to be elected. If you’re still curious about what business texting can do for your political ventures, do not hesitate to call us at 1.800.797.3167 or email us at info@textmymainnumber.com.
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