Five Reasons Why Business Texting Services Work for Clubs & Bars

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Club and bar owners often underestimate the importance of their communication approach with their party goers and regulars, but the truth is communication will make or break the venue’s success. You really have to be attentive and prompt, and while that’s not always easy, business texting services have facilitated the process. Adding business texting services to your marketing practice will streamline your day-to-day engagement with customers and help you stay connected. With 95% of adults sending text messages every day, texting is hands down the best smartphone feature for clubs and bars to promote their events. Your party goer’s favorite communication platform is clear, so why wait to use it to connect with them? Whether you own or manage a club or bar, your business can see an impressive boost in traffic with the addition of business texting services. If you are hesitant on adding this innovative marketing method to your existing strategy, we’re pretty sure the five reasons business texting services work for clubs and bars listed below will help you change your mind.  

1. Getting Started

People are bombarded daily with personal messages, newsletters, sales receipts, and everything else used to flood our inboxes each day. The never-ending methods companies are using daily to compete for the public’s attention is overwhelming. So when you send an initial email to your audience, there’s a great chance it will be ignored or quickly flagged as spam. Research proves that text messages have a much higher chance of being opened than an email, So take advantage of those stats, and push through all the noise to get on your target consumers radar faster with business texting services. You can quickly confirm their attendance to an upcoming event or themed night at your club or bar right away.

2. Develop Personalized Relationships

Developing relationships with your customers will allow you to get a better understanding of what is working (or not) at your venue. The more you know about what’s keeping them entertained, the better your planning will become for upcoming events and parties. You can use the Text My Main Number text messaging services for clubs and bars to maintain your relationship. Not only is it less invasive than reaching out to your audience by phone, but it’s more personalized than sending an email. Text My Main Number offers you the ability to humanize your method of communication with your customers by leveraging the power of a personalized connection via text messaging. Your customers will value the laid-back method of texting and will appreciate the comfort your interactions provide. You’ll be increasing the likelihood of getting a quick reply to confirm attendance to your next event.

3. Increase Ticket Sales and RSVPs

Let’s face the truth: more people are texting than making phone calls. Why not offer the option for customers to communicate using their preferred communication channel? People are busy and don’t answer calls from unknown numbers, nor do they want to go through their emails to find out about an upcoming event. But what if they had a quick text message from your club or bar manager with some quick highlights and a link to purchase a ticket or confirm their attendance? Offering the option to text instead of having to make a call will boost your ticket sales and attendance because you’re not forcing your invitees to jump through a plethora of hoops to do so. Text My Main Numbers business texting messaging services works for clubs and bars mostly because you have the ability to set up scheduled text messages such as reminders for an exclusive event (especially for your VIP customers). You can also notify your past party goers of new themed events and/or bottle specials, without ever needing to make a phone call. Within your scheduled texts you can use personalized templates, that will automatically insert data about your customers such as their first name. Personalizing your text messages will make them feel less like a customer and more like a VIP with this human-to-human approach.

4. Boost Crowd Engagement

What better time to boost crowd engagement than during an actual event? Party goers already engage live through social media, by doing things like going live on Facebook or Instagram, posting on Snapchat, and tweeting photos with specific hashtags. This is why we want clubs and bars to realize the potential that Text My Main Number business texting services offer. Since TCPA demands that businesses acquire consent from recipients, (you are obligated to do so before sending text messages to their phone numbers), we strongly recommend that you post a message on social media or perhaps a plasma screen you have on display at your venue that encourages people to subscribe to text updates. They can easily sign up by texting any keyword you choose, such as “join” to your business landline. Lastly, it’s a great opportunity for clubs and bars to ask their customers to “text or call” if they need to report any suspicious activity or unsafe behavior to which they may be witness. This is a perfect way to offer your customers a safe and anonymous method to report a problem or provide feedback regarding their experience at your venue.

5. Deals & Traffic

As a club or bar owner, it is crucial to the success of your establishment that you consistently find new customers. One of the best ways to do this is to distribute promotional flyers right outside your venue and the local community to take advantage of the foot traffic that passes nearby. On those flyers, you can offer a discount that would encourage people to attend and arrive by a specific time. You’ll be pleasantly surprised how many people show up before 10:00 PM (for example) because of the special rate you offered on the flyer. Deals like this will give you an edge over your competition and increase your traffic on any given night. Since people respond quicker to text messages, this marketing tool is also perfect to use on a slow night to increase traffic for your club or bar. Over 98 percent of texts are opened, and most are read within a few minutes. So on nights where you feel that your club or bar could use added traffic, send a text to your subscribers list with a special offer like 2 free drinks if they arrive before 11:00 p.m. People will reply right away with fear of missing out on the offer since your wording will state that the deal is only good for one night!

Business texting services work for clubs & bars

Party goers and nightlife lovers favor texting over phone calls or emails, and they’ve adopted it as a preferred method of communication. Reach them this way with Text My Main Number text messaging services. Send and receive text messages with the convenience of managing it all from your desktop or mobile devices. Sign up for fee and experience how text messaging works for clubs and bars.  
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