3 Top Text to Landline Messages for the Holiday Season

As the holiday season approaches us quickly, the team at Text My Main Number has put together a list that can be used for your landline texting campaigns. For business who have a text enable landline phone number, now’s the time to start planning your SMS marketing campaigns so that you can execute them with enough time to ensure boosted revenue for the holidays.

The holiday season is the most popular time for consumers to spend money on gifts and everyone loves shopping for good deals more than items. To help your audience cut down on coupon research online, make sure you get on board with the most popular communication trend and convert your business phone number into a text enabled landline phone line where you’ll be able to send messages announcing your upcoming promotions. Your recipients will be able to reply with any questions they may have which will open the floor for your staff to provide convenient and quick customer service.

With the Text My Main Number text messaging platform, you can also take advantage of text to landline marketing campaign features like:

  • Allow users to chat in Realtime via landline texting to expedite their purchase
  • Send bulk messages with promotional discount information
  • Sending MMS to show images of products you recommend
  • Send links to request feedback on their shopping experience
  • Send links to forms requesting them to review a product

 To help jump start your marketing plan for the upcoming holiday season, here are the:

 3 Top Text to Landline Messages for the Holiday Season

Call-to-Action Holiday Offers

Not only is the holiday season a great time to share promotional offers, but it’s also the perfect time to grow your list of subscribers. Create a post for your social media channels and make sure to offer an extra discount for new sign ups.

Irresistible MMS

Sending images and videos of items you know your consumers simply won’t be able to resist is a great way to attract sales. For example, restaurants who have text to landline services enabled to their business phone number can really take advantage of this marketing tactic because drool-worthy food pics are all the rage. Especially if you send your message out in bulk close to lunch or dinner time.

Mobile Coupons

Consumers between the ages of 24-35 have expressed that they prefer messages from retailers that include coupons. Surveys have shown that people redeem mobile coupons 10 times more than coupons sent via email. The truth is people read their text messages more than they do their emails, so sending coupons directly to the palm of your customer’s hands during your landline texting marketing campaign for the holiday season is the way to go. To learn how to generate more sales during the holiday season, try the Text My Main Number free trial for a couple of weeks this month and we’ll provide you with free training so that you’re all squared away before you launch your holiday marketing campaign with your new text enabled landline phone number!